Show your commitment by building a HASAN well


Show your commitment by building a HASAN well

1,468 of 8,820 raised

This is an exclusive initiative by HASAN, - Halal Startup Angels Network - a closed community of Angel Investors from around the world who come together to invest in Shariah-compliant startups with the potential for huge financial returns while circulating good in this world.


Dear HASAN Angels

Together, we sure can create one lasting impact. So we jio you to "Make a Commitment" to our HASAN Angels network by donating any amount to our HASAN WELL in Nigeria.

This HASAN WELL, we specially choose from many others because it has the power to change lives and communities like no other. When you join our HASAN Angels, you'll be part of a kawan-kawan working together to make the greatest impact can liao.

1 Well: MYR 8,820 (USD 2,150)

The cost of a well covers the establishment of a borehole, required equipment to enable reliable delivery of drinking water, and long-term maintenance costs required to service a well for years to come - effectively providing a long-term solution to the communities needs. An-Nadaa’s team actively does routine checks on the established boreholes to ensure the project does not just stop at the establishment of wells. Scholars have said, ''When you're giving sadaqah to a poor person, don't think of yourself as someone generous helping the needy. Rather the reality is that it's a needy person helping another needy person.'

Our mission is to create one big ripple effect, and with your support, we confirm can make sure the HASAN WELL becomes a beacon of hope, change, and growth for many people in Nigeria. So let's come together and make this commitment that will last for generations to come, hor.

Faster faster join us as a HASAN Angel and make a difference together. Ready to make a commitment?

Donate any amount now and become part of our amazing journey.

With heartfelt appreciation,

The HASAN team.

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Charity Partner

An-Nadaa Educational Foundation is an Islamic non-profit organization which is one of the first government certified Muslim organization on the ground. Their focus is on launching and managing educational, da’wah and welfare projects across underprivileged communities in Nigeria.

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