A Gift of Life: Providing Clean Drinking Water Across Indonesia


A Gift of Life: Providing Clean Drinking Water Across Indonesia

23,681 of 50,000 raised

Key Points

  • About 18 million Indonesians lack safe water and 20 million lack access to improved sanitation facilities.
  • The Environment and Forestry Ministry (KLHK) said 59% of rivers in Indonesia are still severely polluted.
  • Penderma has developed a filtration machine to provide clean drinking water for public consumption.
  • Cost of machine: IDR 65,000,000 (USD 4009/ MYR 18,796) - This includes installation costs as well.


Thanks to the #ParaPenderma assistance, two units of Free Drinking Water Stations (AMG) have been installed at Masjid Al-Lathiif and Pondok Pesantren Al-Ittifaq. This remarkable initiative serves three primary objectives: firstly, to address water scarcity issues in these sacred places of worship and learning; secondly, to promote eco-friendly and sustainable practices, particularly in the consumption of clean water; and thirdly, to prioritize the health and motivation of the dedicated Santri on their spiritual and educational journey.

Campaign Story

With a population of 273 million people, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and claims Southeast Asia’s largest economy. About 18 million Indonesians lack safe water and 20 million lack access to improved sanitation facilities. These numbers are just estimates and the reality on the ground is expected to be much worse.  

The Environment and Forestry Ministry (KLHK) said 59% of rivers in Indonesia are still severely polluted. The sources of river water pollution include industrial waste, such as oil, gas, and mining, as well as domestic or household waste and livestock waste.This leads to even bigger issues, because the provision of safe water, sanitation and hygienic conditions are essential to battle many diseases. 

Penderma is a philanthropic organisation under Yayasan Aksi Indonesia Dermawan that focuses on sustainability. Looking at the immense need for access to clean water, Penderma has developed a filtration machine to provide clean drinking water for public consumption. The technology is built in-house by Penderma itself. The machine purifies water using filters, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet to produce water that is ready to drink. This filtration system can be implemented for any public area or building like masajid, orphanages etc.

- Cost of machine: IDR 65,000,000 (USD 4009, MYR 18,796) - This includes installation costs as well. 
- Weight and Size of machine: 50kg - 160x60x60
- Water Filtered: 1900 litres/day
- Penderma provides free guarantee and maintenance for 5 years
- ISO & Halal Certified


46 water filtration machines were installed across Indonesia in 2021 alone. This was mainly in remote masajid and madrasahs. The team aims to install more units in Islamic boarding schools and orphanages to make it easy for underprivileged communities.

Sa’ad ibn Ubadah asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, “Which charity is best?” The Prophet ﷺ said, “A drink of water.” 

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever relieves a Muslim of a burden from the burdens of the world, Allah will relieve him of a burden from the burdens on the Day of Judgement. [Timirdhi]


If you wish to make a manual donation, please find the details below:

Malaysia Bank Transfer

Bank Name: Affin Bank
Name: Berrypay (M) Sdn Bhd
Account Number: 109920003172
Reference: Penderma

BerryPay is our official payment gateway.

If you have made a direct bank transfer, please send your transfer proof to [email protected]

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Feb 8, 2022

Campaign Started

Jul 17, 2024

Updates from Penderma.id - water filtration project

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to take a moment to share some important updates with you about our ongoing efforts to improve access to clean water in our communities.

Currently, only 11.9% of our population has access to safe drinking water. At Penderma.id, with your invaluable support, we are committed to changing this reality.

Here's what we've achieved together over the last three years:

  • 46 Free Drinking Water Facilities Established: These facilities are crucial in areas where water safety is a major concern.
  • 1.5 Million Liters of Clean Water Distributed: Each liter is a step towards better health and well-being.
  • 2.8 Million Beneficiaries: Thanks to your support, millions now have access to safer water.
  • 44 Locations Reached Across Indonesia: Our impact is growing, thanks to the collective effort of our supporters and partners.

Our goal for 2024 is ambitious yet within reach: we aim to establish 100 free drinking water facilities across the nation. Each new facility brings us closer to a healthier, hydrated Indonesia.

Your ongoing support is the driving force behind our mission. Together, we can ensure that access to clean water is a right enjoyed by everyone.

Thank you for being an essential part of this journey.

Warm regards,

Khirzan N. Noe’man

CEO, Penderma.id

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Campaign Partner

Penderma.id as a bridging and program distribution facilitator in Indonesia. Penderma.id registered under Yayasan Aksi Indonesia Dermawan.

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