Our Ramadan Campaigns

Ramadan is a month that teaches us about sacrifice, patience and discipline. It makes us empathise with the poor and needy. You can maximise the reach and potential of your Sadaqah, Zakat and Waqf through this page.


Our Ramadan Campaigns

All campaigns are verified and examined by our Shariah team before being live on the platform

Automate YourDonations

Sign up once and focus on your worship while GlobalSadaqah takes care of your donations automatically

  • ✓ Donations go to beneficiaries of chosen category
  • ✓ Auto-deduction will stop when Ramadan ends

Please note that if you are subscribing to pay using Malaysian Ringgits, the minimum amount is RM 5


Unlock Knowledge, Deepen Your Faith: Free eBooks for You!

Explore our collection of 11 insightful eBooks designed to help you strengthen your faith, understand key Islamic practices, and stay informed on important topics.

From Ramadan and Zakat to Dua, Hajj, and Palestine, these eBooks are your go-to guides for clarity and inspiration.

    globalsadaqah ramadan

    GlobalSadaqah.com is a platform owned and operated by GS Global Guardian Sdn. Bhd. (1347578-U) in Malaysia